Thanks to its long experience and know how Cimma Morandotti S.P.A. supplies classifying systems by mechanical screening, in cooperation with first class Italian and Foreign specialized companies, and independent air classifying units (air selectors and micro-classifiers).
Besides the independent classifying units, Cimma Morandotti S.P.A. produces a wide range of pulverizers with built-in air selector.
Cimma’s technical staff supports clients for the research to optimal technical solutions, also with the available research laboratory and equipment for semi-industrial tests.

Air selector type “AERVORTEX”
Self-ventilated air classifier suitable to separate finest powders from sand
Cut size: 80÷150 micron
Throughput: 1÷45 tons/hour

Microseparators type “MS”
With forced air stream for the extraction of finest fraction from powders
Cut size: 10÷60 micron
Throughput: 1÷8 tons/hour